
Tag Archives: samantha spiegel


A 19 year old California girl has revealed that she escaped a sex cult led by Ramsey murder suspect John Mark Karr. The young girl says she wandered the streets of San Francisco seeking out little girls to deliver to Karr. According to her, Karr’s followers are numerous in number and are willing to kill for him.

INTERNATIONAL (Lei Sussurra) May 29, 2010 — In 2007, the FBI launched an investigation after being alerted that John Mark Karr was organizing a sex cult. Three years later, nineteen year old Samantha Spiegel says she fears for her life as she makes a break from what she describes as a dangerous cult capable of murder. Spiegel says the name of the cult is “The Immaculates” so named after Karr’s past references to perfect little girls he has known.

Karr was thrust back into the news when ex-girlfriend Brooke Simmons Dovgan exposed what was thought to be Karr’s new identity that has since become questionable. Over the months following the revelation, Spiegel, who says she was once a student of Karr’s, has alleged that she was threatened through phone conversations and e-mail transmissions.

Karr stated, “I have made no such threats and would wish no harm to come to this girl or anyone else.”

Karr, who has had little to say in response to the serious cult allegations, told Lei Sussurra that he submitted a statement to CNN though there is no indication that the statement was ever aired. It is as follows and was posted on the sidebar of the Lei Sussurra site earlier this week:

“It can never be proven that I am a cult leader who instructs my followers to kill my enemies and seek out little girls for my exploitation. I am amazed that reputable media would grant airtime, much less credence, to any random person who makes unsubstantiated wild claims against a private citizen with no proof whatsoever to back up the lies that are flowing from them. As I have stated in the past, I am the subject of a witch hunt that has dragged me from my private life with the intent to display me to the world like some strange oddity stuck through with a straight pin in my enemies’ collection.”

A perplexed Karr says of Spiegel, “I believe Samantha is being pressured to say these things about me. This is not the Samantha I have known and loved. I have always had such a deep respect for this girl. I am shocked by what she is doing now but do not hold her responsible. Instead, I believe she is being influenced by outside forces. I understand she has gone through a very difficult time in her past. I wish for her the best and hope sincerely that she will finally come down from this extraordinary media ride with the realization that I am still in support of a better life for her.”

Although media organizations report that authorities are searching for Karr, there is no evidence that there is an arrest warrant for the one time murder suspect of a six year old girl. Seattle Weekly responded earlier this week to a virtual all points bulletin for Karr that was released by Fox News during a story about Samantha Spiegel’s involvement in Karr’s cult:

“Fox claims that police in San Francisco are looking for Karr and have “asked Seattle law enforcement for help” in finding him. But Seattle police are saying the opposite. “We got a bunch of calls on this a couple months ago,” says spokesman Mark Jamieson, “but we don’t have anything on (Karr).” San Francisco’s district attorney is singing a similar tune. “At this point, there is no case to review for charging,” says spokeswoman Erica Derryck.” (Seattle Weekly)

Samantha Spiegel was the subject of Lei Sussurra’s 2009 article titled “Karr’s Royal Romance”. According to sources, Spiegel is a wealthy San Francisco girl with high society connections. She was a student at a posh private school for girls in San Francisco where Karr was a teacher in 2000. Spiegel claims to have been one of Karr’s students though Karr states that he does not recall the girl as a child. Karr and Spiegel were reported to have had a romantic relationship prior to his exit from the U.S. in 2008 though Karr has never confirmed it. Sources revealed that she lavished Karr with expensive gifts and gave him moral support as he prepared to leave the country.

In 2009, Lei Sussurra reported in an article titled “Karr Contemplates Creation of Cult” that Karr has already been looked at by U.S. federal authorities for the possible organization of a cult. Furthermore, Karr has already been investigated by the Department of Homeland Security in 2006 for international child sex trafficking. In the same year, Manson family prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi discussed the similarities between Karr and Charles Manson who led his cult of young girls to kill, amongst others, Sharon Tate Polanski who was nine months pregnant at the time. If Karr rivals Manson and now leads a sex and death cult in some international location with murderous sleeper cells located throughout the U.S. and the world, it can be guaranteed that after Spiegel’s public revelation, the FBI and every other international law enforcement agency has already commenced an investigation to confirm or discount the existence of “The Immaculates”.

Lei Sussurra
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